Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mobile Phone Signal to Heaven

Words of comfort this time is inspired by  my mother in law and this is a true story. She believed that internet can solve any problem with loss of direction. She believed that internet can always be reliable to show the way to any destination. "Ask your internet. We are lost now!," she was restless, our car went through the darkness. The road was narrow and dark, no houses, no electricity, no people passing by. On our right and left side was trees, some wild plants and some wild dogs.

There, in the forest, we could not have access to the internet. Our mobile phone lost of signal. But my mother in law still believed, the internet would provide a help and a great comfort in the wilderness. As she believed the reliability of internet to show her the way out, we are the children of God should believe even more to reliable sources of the provider of the way, the truth and the life. The provider is called by His name, Jesus Christ, our big brother in heaven.

He never says that our mobile phone bill has not been paid, so that we cannot call Him. He never says that the signal on our mobile phone is not adequate, so that He cannot be reached. He can be reached at anytime to show us the way when we lost our way. He can be reached at anytime to show us the truth when we are cheated. He can be reached at anytime to raise our love, our hope, our faith, our relationship, our ideas, our finance, our self-image. He can raised those issues from death back to life. We can access the heaven through the big brother in heaven, Jesus Christ, in prayer and have the answer through His words that comfort those who diligently seek Him out.

He is reachable no matter how low our battery is. Just ask God to draw us near than we have ever been before. God will reveal Himself as a King over our situation if we believe that God exists and if we remember of His own words that comfort us that  He is the rewarder of people who diligently seek Him.

Words of comfort come from:
Hebrews 11:6
Amplified Bible (AMP)
But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out].
God would love to be sought out by His children who are craving (has intense desire) to know about His heart, to view and value things from His point of view. His own words promised us through prophet Jeremiah.

Words of comfort come from:
Jeremiah 29:13-14
The Message (MSG)
"When you come looking for me, you'll find me. "Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed." God's Decree. 

Let's sing along and believe these words of comfort of God's companionship through this song, "Call on Jesus".


  1. Hehe.. nice sharing, Honey. Very encouraging. BTW, I remember that moment... Silly and funny.., but you can take wisdom from that. Appreciated!

  2. :) yeah, it was funny. All of us anticipated to see the light, to see other living people around.
